She was commanded by Francois Chenard de la Giraudais, and was the storeship of the expedition.
She carried naturalist and physician Philibert Commerçon, astronomer Pierre-Antoine Veron, and Jeanne Baré who is recognized as the first woman to have completed a voyage of circumnavigation. During much of the voyage, she was disguised as a man.
All prices are weekly and in €UROS. The price in £pounds will be determined according to th exchange rate at the time of booking. The price announced is the price for 4 people. For any extra persons, please email for more info.
Changeover day is Saturday.
We are flexible during the low seasons, in order for you to take advantage of the great cheap ferry crossings.
Arrival time: From 17h00
Departure time Before 10h00
Payment conditions:
• We ask that you pay 25% for the deposit. This is to secure your booking with us.
• We also ask for the FULL payment to be sent TWO months prior to your arrival.
• A separate cheque of £100 is to be also sent, along with your final payment. This cheque is not cashed in, however it is a security deposit, and in case of any damages, breakages or uncleanliness, an appropriate fee for the repairs, replacement or cleaning, shall be deducted, and a cheque shall be sent back to you, at your designated address, one month after your departure.
• If you wish to stay less than the week, a pro rata price can be arranged, however not in peak season.